We have been engaged in preparing documents for the establishment of Trusts, Foundations, and not-for-profit organisations, and have advised on and assisted with the process of registration with the appropriate Authorities, including the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms, and with advice on regulatory issues including with the NGO Affairs Bureau. We also assist with the establishment of Provident Funds, Worker’s Profit Participation Funds, and Gratuity Funds.
We assist non-profit organisations to achieve their objectives at local, national, and international levels. Our team offers expert advice to non-profit organisations on both day-to-day matters and large-scale projects. We regularly advise foreign not for profit organisations regarding the procedures for establishing a presence in Bangladesh and obtaining registration with the NGO Affairs Bureau. In addition, we advise both local and foreign NGOs with the drafting or review of articles, compliance manuals, bylaws, employment agreements, trust deeds, leases, licenses, and policies. We provide an array of establishment-related services for trusts, social enterprises and other business and non-profit entities. Additionally, we provide legal advice to our clients on a wide range of issues including governance, intellectual property, tax issues, and regulatory compliance.